Food producers, technology developers and digital solution providers recognize the need for more customized digital solutions for the European food processing industry, which is largely populated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Through the implementation of digital technology, the aim is to equip these companies to meet growing market demands for improved quality control and efficiency and higher standards of food safety and traceability. S3FOOD sets out to inspire, support and fund this digital change. Activities include study visits to technology centers, coaching, training and matchmaking sessions and a funding scheme to support innovative projects via vouchers of maximum € 60.000 per SME.
Programme of the project : H2020 INNOSUP-01
Names of SS4AF Regular Members and/or Associated Organisations that are involved:
- Flanders’ FOOD
- Innoskart with linked third party Campden BRI Hungary
- AgriFood Capital
- Asociacion Cluster Alimentario de Galicia (CLUSAGA) with linked third party ITG
- Asociacion de la Industria Navarra (AIN)
- Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI)
- CIMES with linked third party Innov’Alliance
- Corallia (future Associated Organisation)
- DSP Valley
- Food & Bio Cluster Denmark (membership of the Partnership to be confirmed)
- Food-Processing Initiative
- Wagralim
Link to the website of the project: https://s3food.eu/