The overall objective of the CONSENSYS is to set up a platform, with a joint cluster partnership strategy, implementation roadmap and interregional investment projects, between food- and electronic/ICT organisations and relevant research and technology organizations, to lower the barriers for food companies to access the newest smart sensor systems, to enable the Internet of Things (IoT) transistion of the food industry. The food industry has specific requirements for sensors and the related IT challenges and also expects the machine manufacturers to integrate these sensors in the equipment/machines they produce. By creating this European smart sensor systems platform, the involved stakeholders will get a better understanding of each others possibilities and requirements for these technologies. We want to facilitate the implementation of the smart sensor systems technologies by setting up living labs, where technologies can be demonstrated and we aim to set-up comparable living labs, staffed with competent, multidisciplinary teams, in other regions in Europe, learn from each other and interconnect.
Programme of the project: COSME
Names of SS4AF Regular Members and/or Associated Organisations that are involved:
- Flanders' FOOD
- Innoskart
- Campden BRI Hungary