26 Rue Jean Dixméras
49066 Angers
49066 Angers

France / Pays de la Loire, Bretagne, Centre Val de Loire and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is a competitiveness cluster gathering 500 members such as firms, research and training centres in the plant field around some innovative projects to strengthen the firms' competitiveness. Since 2014, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY has been granted the Gold ‘Proven for Cluster Excellence’ label by the ECEI (European Excellence Initiative). This label rewards VEGEPOLYS VALLEY's actions and will increase its international recognition in order to support the European partnerships, projects and funding.
In order to meet the environmental, economic and social criteria, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY aims at being the leading international plant cluster for more competitive, qualitative, environmentally friendly and healthy agriculture.