8 rue Jules Maillard de la Gournerie
35000 Rennes


France / Bretagne, Pays de la Loire and Normandy

Valorial is a non-profit agri-food cluster since 2006, labelled ‘pole de compétitivité’ by the French government and supported by 3 French regions located in the largest agri-food European area: Bretagne, Pays de la Loire and Normandy. It is financed by half by its 360 members innovation actors from SME, start-ups to large international companies, leaders of agriculture and food industry in Europe and internationally. Valorial focuses on over six different thematic areas including food quality & safety, innovative technologies, food, nutrition & health, agricultural and agri-food marketing, and functional ingredients. Valorial was created to enhance collaborative projects for companies. Its team of 15 people gather diverse profiles such as former experiences in start-up support, company management, scientific experts, innovation consultants, ...